戦の海賊ー海賊船ゲーム x 簡単戦略シュミレーションゲームー

by Mynet Games Inc.



Now up to 100 free gachas! 10 or more 5 stars confirmed! Lead the pirates with your friends to the ocean of adventure! Aim for the strongest pirates in a strategy simulation game!


◆◇本格海賊冒険ゲーム「戦の海賊」◇◆~戦略を駆使して仲間と共に海賊船で突き進め!~無料で遊べる冒険海賊ゲーム、戦の海賊!今なら最大100連ガチャが無料!★5×10体確定!▼ここがポイント!■大迫力の海賊船団バトル!戦略を駆使した冒険ゲーム!敵味方入り乱れて大乱闘!“船団の編成” “海賊のスキル” “主砲の砲撃”が戦局を左右する、青蒼の大海原での大迫力リアルタイム頭脳系海賊船ゲーム。戦略を張り巡らせ、シミュレーションを行い、勝利を掴め!簡単、手軽にシュミレーションゲームを楽しみたい方にもおすすめ。君だけの船でボーダーラインを突破してブレイドロードを突き進め!船団を率いるのは君だ!飛び交う砲弾、激突する船、攻め込んでいく海賊たち。個性豊かなパイレーツと多種多様な船で船団を編成し、変化する戦局を見極める戦略シュミレーションゲームの決定版!美女に美少女、イケメン、おじさま、人外など個性豊かなパイレーツ!仲間を集めて機動力を強化、パイレーツを君好みの戦士へ育成しよう。戦隊(デッキ)を組み合わせて、戦略は無限大!迫り来る対戦に備えよ。ホライズンに浮かぶミラージュは、栄光かアビスか…。パイレーツを前線(フロントライン)に配置し、大乱闘に挑め!エピックな7つ(セブン)の海で、君だけの熱い冒険を創世しよう。激しいレインも大砲も、強力な船団を編成してねじ伏せろ!青蒼の海で戦略を駆使した戦いが始まる。たくさんのワールドを駆け巡り、クエストを制覇しよう!■君だけの海賊団を作ろう!・海賊団の拠点“アジト”を発展させよう!“海賊”やサポート役の“子分”を酒場で雇い、訓練施設で鍛え上げ育成しよう。冒険でお宝(資源)を手に入れ、アジトをどんどん発展。無料で遊べる冒険ゲームで、仲間のパイレーツと共に様々なワールドを旅しながら強敵を倒せ!個性豊かなワールドでは海賊以外とも大乱闘!時にはドラゴンも出現!?君の戦略でクエストクリアを目指せ。海賊戦略シュミレーションゲームの戦の海賊で今すぐ遊ぼう!・強力な海賊船を造ろう!多彩な海賊船を冒険(クエスト)で手に入れアジトに建造。船の“設計図”を手に入れて、どんどん強化していこう!砲撃の強い船、盾となる船など特性は様々。海賊母船はもちろん、突撃船、装甲船、ロングバリスタ、マーチシップ、迎撃の装甲船、ロングカタパルト、ドラゴンを使ったドラグーンシップまで!君だけの船コレクションを充実させよう。敵より有利な編成で、海賊船団バトルを勝ち進み、熱い戦いを創世しよう!■これは自由を賭けた、海賊たちの物語「7つの海」を航海しながら、自由に生きる海賊たちの世界。海賊たちにはある歌が歌い継がれている…。今ではメロディだけが残り、歌詞が失われた「伝説の海賊の歌」。その歌詞には「伝説の海賊ゼス」の旅路と秘宝「大船団旗」の行方が秘められているという…。失われた歌詞を受け継ぐという王女、リティスとの出会い。海の自由をかけた大航海が今、始まる。◆公式サイト◆戦の海賊の情報満載≪http://www.sen-no-kaizoku.jp≫◆基本情報◆・インストール無料・基本プレイ無料--------------------------------------------------------■対応端末について対応端末一覧はこちらhttps://www.sen-no-kaizoku.jp/form/cat-10/post-6.htmlより多くのお客様にお楽しみいただけるよう、対応端末は順次拡大予定です。現在お持ちの端末にダウンロードすることができないお客様には申し訳ございませんが、どうか今しばらくお待ちください。◆ ◇ Full-scale pirate adventure game "Pirate of War" ◇ ◆-Use your strategy to push forward with your friends on a pirate ship! ~Free adventure pirate game, war pirates!Up to 100 consecutive gachas are now free! ★ 5 x 10 bodies confirmed!▼ This is the point! ■ A powerful pirate fleet battle! An adventure game that makes full use of strategy! A big scuffle with enemies and allies! "Fleet formation," "pirate skills," and "main gun bombardment" determine the battlefield. Powerful real-time brain-based pirate ship game in the blue ocean.Develop strategies, perform simulations, and win!Recommended for those who want to enjoy simulation games easily and easily.Break through the border line with your own ship and push the blade road!You are the one who leads the fleet!Flying shells, clashing ships, and invading pirates.The definitive strategy simulation game where you can organize a fleet of unique pirates and a wide variety of ships to identify changing battlefields!Beautiful girls, handsome girls, uncles, outsiders, and other unique pirates!Gather your friends to strengthen your mobility and grow your Pirates into your favorite warrior.Combining squadrons (deck), the strategy is infinite! Prepare for the upcoming battle.Is the Mirage in Horizon Glory or Abyss?Place the Pirates on the front line and challenge the great scuffle!Create your own hot adventure in the seven epic seas.Form a powerful fleet of fierce rain and cannons and lie down!A strategic battle begins in the blue sea.Run around many worlds and conquer quests! ■ Create your own pirate group! ・ Lets develop the base of the pirates, "Agit"!Hire "pirates" and "minions" who play the role of support at the bar, and train and train them at the training facility.Obtain treasures (resources) in adventure and develop hideouts steadily.In an adventure game that you can play for free, defeat strong enemies while traveling around various worlds with your fellow pirates!In a unique world, a big brawl with non-pirates!Sometimes dragons also appear! ?? Aim to clear the quest with your strategy.Play now with the battle pirates of the pirate strategy simulation game!・ Build a powerful pirate ship!Obtain a variety of pirate ships by adventure (quest) and build them in the hideout.Get the "blueprint" of the ship and strengthen it steadily!There are various characteristics such as a ship with strong artillery and a ship that serves as a shield.Pirate motherships, assault ships, armored ships, long baristas, marchships, interceptor armored ships,From long catapults to dragoon ships using dragons! Enrich your own ship collection.Win a pirate fleet battle and create a hot battle with an organization that is more advantageous than your enemies! ■ This is the story of pirates who bet on freedom A world of pirates who live freely while sailing the "7 Seas".A song is being sung by the pirates ..."Legendary pirate song" with only the melody left and the lyrics lost.The lyrics say that the journey of "Legendary Pirate Zess" and the whereabouts of the hidden treasure "Big Fleet Flag" are hidden.Encounter with Lithis, a princess who inherits the lost lyrics.The great voyage for freedom of the sea is about to begin.◆ Official site ◆Full of information on war pirates≪http://www.sen-no-kaizoku.jp≫◆ Basic information ◆・ Free installation・ Free to play-------------------------------------------------- ------■ About compatible terminalsClick here for a list of compatible deviceshttps://www.sen-no-kaizoku.jp/form/cat-10/post-6.htmlWe plan to gradually expand the number of compatible terminals so that more customers can enjoy it.We apologize to customers who cannot download to their current device, but please wait for a while.【Ver5.3.1】アップデート内容・一部不具合の修正